School & District Literacy Plans
Learning Techniques, Ltd is prepared to collaborate with your school or district to develop custom plans that capture your school or district’s strategy for achieving its literacy goals. Plans may involve only one tier or incorporate several tiers of instruction.
Fundations® is the program appropriate for Tier 1 & 2 instruction in grades K-3. Prevention and early intervention programs to help reduce reading and spelling failure. Teachers in K-3 classrooms incorporate multisensory lessons that benefit all students in the regular classroom. The explicit and systematic teaching of essential skills is also highly effective when intervening early with those needing additional support.
Each Plan for Fundations implementation includes the Level-specific workshops to be delivered; staff members to be selected for Facilitator Certification and teacher-leader roles; the coaching that would be provided and the schools in which the coaching would take place; all materials required for training purposes, and for teachers and students to use in class; the schedule of events and activities.
Just Words® is the program appropriate for Tier 2 instruction in grades 4-12 and adults. A word-level intervention program that is designed for struggling adolescent and adult readers. Teachers systematically and explicitly present the study of word structure through the six syllable types in English at an accelerated pace. Just Words is designed for students in grades 4-12 and adults with gaps in their phonics knowledge.
Each Plan for Just Words implementation includes the workshops to be delivered; staff members to be selected for Facilitator Certification and teacher-leader roles; the coaching that would be provided and the schools in which the coaching would take place.
The Wilson Reading System® (WRS) provides intensive Tier 3 instruction in grades 2-12 and adults. This intensive intervention program was developed for students and adults with a language-based learning disability, such as dyslexia. When delivered with fidelity and when combined with the Wilson certification process, instructors have a powerful diagnostic and comprehensive program to successfully teach students and adults with moderate to severe reading disabilities.
Each Literacy Plan for WRS implementation includes a WRS Introductory Course and the WRS Level I Certification Program. The WRS plan requires the selection of a cohort of teachers to enroll in the WRS Intensive Instruction for the Non-Responsive Reader (Steps 1-6) online course and the WRS Level I Steps 1-6 Practicum. This plan could also include the WRS Advanced Strategies for Multisensory Structured Language (MSL) Group Instruction Course, which prepares teachers for small group instruction, WRS Level II Certification.
Please print and complete a Professional Learning and Teacher Support Literacy Plan Request form to discuss how we can help your school or district.

Tiers 1 & 2 for Grades K-3

Tier 2 for Grades 4-12 and Adults