Our Director

Dawn Hillstrom earned a B.S. degree in education with a reading specialization from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and an M.A. degree in reading and learning disabilities from DePaul University.
Dawn possesses both clinical and classroom experience. She has taught a regular elementary class, a special junior high reading class, and an elementary and junior high Title I reading class. Currently, Dawn directs Learning Techniques, Ltd. in Orland Park, Illinois, an educational center for diagnostic evaluation and instruction for children and adults.
Dawn obtained her Wilson Reading System® (WRS) Level II Certification and maintains her status as a Wilson® Dyslexia Therapist. Presently, Learning Techniques, Ltd is a Wilson® Accredited Training Partner, in recognition that all Wilson Language Training® guidelines and standards in the delivery of Wilson® professional development have been met.
Dawn founded Learning Techniques, Ltd. in 1981 and remains actively involved in the field, keeping abreast of state-of-the-art approaches and innovations in learning. Dawn is an active member of numerous boards and committees, including the International Dyslexia Association, Learning Disabilities Association, Children with Attention Deficit Disorder, and Professionals in Private Practice. Her continued professional involvement demonstrates her high level of interest and commitment to the field and affords her the professional growth that allows her to best serve her clients.